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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Letter to editor of the California Health Underwriters Association

This is worth considering; since health care reform belongs in a different arean than the legislature and needs to be developed as a national priority from the president developing a working panel of experts from all fields that can bring concensus to a problem which we all face together.

Letter to the Editor CAHU

Enough is Enough. I recognize I may be naïve, but I thought lawmakers were supposed to be lawmakers first, then become politicians at election time. The national health care reform process has proven otherwise. No matter which party did what during this particular process, even if party roles were reversed it would be just as unacceptable.

Lawmakers should create and move forward legislation only if they believe it is the right thing to do. So when during this process, several lawmakers felt the Senate health care bill was not the right thing to do, their own party resorted to bribery to obtain their vote. How else could it be described when their own party offered Medicaid financing for that lawmaker’s state at no cost, forever, and offers $300+ million dollars for another state’s Medicaid financing only to secure their vote!

The worst part is that it worked.

How can this possibly be justified, let alone tolerated? It’s okay to be upset about this. Americans need to stay civilized about this, but be passionate as well. Let’s communicate to, and vote to remind lawmakers that they need to stick to what they feel is the right thing to do.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Government, Big Unions

Big Government, Big Unions

Should business be concerned about the future taxes which could seriously impact there ability to grow, produce more jobs and help the economy recover while government has been allowed to be swallowed alive by uinionization that unfairly rewards people at the expense of the private sector.

For the First Time, More Union Workers Work in Government versus Private Sector | Benzinga.com

For the First Time, More Union Workers Work in Government versus Private Sector Benzinga.com

It is important for small and medium size busiess along with the general public to understand the circumstances we are expierence in the public sector with rising cost of benefits, pensions and shortage of funds to continue this highly rich union programs where the public unions are now more numerous than private business unions.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Social Security disability benefits

In order to be disabled under social security, you have to not be able to do any kind of work, for any length of time. Totally Disabled. Don't rely on the government to help out in disabilities. Plan ahead and get Individual Disability Income.

Consumer-Directed Health Care Solutions - Large Companies Relying on Brokers for Updates on Reform

Consumer-Directed Health Care Solutions - Large Companies Relying on Brokers for Updates on Reform

While we work with smaller companies, it is our goal to keep abreast of change and be available to advise our clients and prospects.
