Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee Representative Charles Wrangle said he could not support the taxing of health care paid for by business.
Under current law, employers can take tax deductions for their contributions to the cost of employee health insurance, and the benefits are not counted as taxable income to workers.
While the Senate Chairman of the Finance committee said he would support this idea and Mr. Wrangle had not suggested an alternative to how to fund health care for the people currently 45 million uninsured, it is President Obama who has suggested that the tax be used for that purpose. This idea was originally floated by Senator MC Cain and rejected by President Obama who latter changed his support on recommendations from his advisers.
Many in Business, Labor Unions and others have stepped up there criticism of the idea of taxing business financed health care for employees. Eliminating the tax break “has a huge potential of destabilizing the private market and leaving more Americans uninsured.
While there will be many more discussions as Health Care is a candidate for change, it is unsure on the direction which the President, Congress and the public take over the next several months. Stay tuned and informed, as well as consider voicing your opinion by writing your congress people and senators.
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