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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Spot Trends in Business and Adapt!

Your business needs to be able to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing times, which means as a business owner, you need to be tuned in to what’s coming down the pipeline in your industry.

How can you spot the latest trends in your industry?

Listen – It might seem like a no-brainer, but listening is something business owners don’t do enough of. Ask your customers for feedback on your products and services and find out from them directly what they’re looking for next.

Pay attention – Read up on trade publications for your industry and any related industries that might impact/benefit your business, i.e. fashion, music, technology. Even makes a habit of reading about the industries that have nothing to do with his business.

Follow trends online – Trend-hunting Web (google it-Small Business Trends) can help to keep you in the know by serving up the daily trends. Social networks and chat rooms can also be a good source for discussion. When you see some common themes coming up in discussions, this is a clear indication of a new trend on the verge of breaking.

Trust your gut – When you dabble in an industry long enough, you start to develop an intuition for what to expect next. If you suspect something new might be on the rise, you’re probably right.

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