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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Employees and Employers Reveal High Satisfaction and Improved Cost Control with HSAs, Surveys Report

Most employers and account holders utilizing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and HSA-qualified health plans are satisfied with their coverage, spend less, and are more engaged in managing health benefits, separate surveys released today indicate.

The tax-favored health care savings accounts are designed to help individuals pay for current qualified health care expenses and save for future medical and retiree health care expenses.
"With the vigorous debate over health care reform, and more specifically health insurance reform, the survey results indicate that employers and account holders more effectively control costs and are satisfied with their coverage by utilizing HSAs," said Tom Hricik, national director, AMS Groups or AMS Personal Plans.

"The survey results also indicate that HSAs are being used by account holders as an important vehicle to save for future medical expenses."

Health Savings Accounts provide a convenient way to pay for today's health care expenses and to save and invest for the future.

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