"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." | |
— Earl Nightingale: Author, The Strangest Secret, Lead the Field. |
Where employers stay informed of benefits, companies, state and federal legislation, payroll and HR portals.
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Friday, October 29, 2010
"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going."
Nothing New Under the Sun
How do most people and most companies reduces costs as they go up?
Increase out of pocket expenses by changing plans which reduce the premium costs. Its like the fram filter commercial, you can pay me know or you can pay may latter. Truth be said is cost are and will continue to go up.
Our place as Benefits Consultants is to assit in mitigating those increases in the least painful way.
Increase out of pocket expenses by changing plans which reduce the premium costs. Its like the fram filter commercial, you can pay me know or you can pay may latter. Truth be said is cost are and will continue to go up.
Our place as Benefits Consultants is to assit in mitigating those increases in the least painful way.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Pancreatic Cancer is Hard to Detect Early
Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered pancreatic cancer grows very slowly. Early detection could prevent the disease from spreading, but is extremely hard to find in its early stages. Patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are usually in advanced stages say the researchers, who have now discovered there is a window of opportunity to intervene and stop the disease from metastasizing to other organs.
Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of pathology and oncology at Hopkins’ Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center explains most patients are diagnosed late, but “there is potentially a very broad window for screening”, something that the researchers say is a surprise.
Current screening methods for pancreatic cancer fail to pick up tumors that might take decades to grow. The researchers suggest lives could be saved by screening for cancer of the pancreas using the same types of methods used for breast and colon cancer screening.
The researchers found that after a pancreatic cancer cell develops it takes almost 7 years to progress to the size of a plum with the potential of at least one cell to spread to other organs. When the disease metastasizes most patients die within 2.5 years. The findings that pancreatic cancer is grows very slowly contradicts what was previously known about the disease. Lack of symptoms makes it impossible to detect pancreatic cancer when it is most treatable.
It takes at least a decade for a mutated pancreatic cell to turn into cancer. Once that happens, it takes another 7 years before the disease would start to spread, using conservative estimates.
Iacobuzio-Donahue suggests the possibility of using a tiny camera attached to a thin, long tube to perform endoscopy that could detect pancreatic cancer sooner. Just like colonoscopy screening that helps prevent cancer and recommended beginning at age 50, the Hopkins researchers hope to develop a test to find the disease in its early stages.
The slow growth of pancreatic cancer was discovered by the scientists through gene sequencing of cancer cells among patients who died; analyzed within 6 hours of death. They discovered gene mutations were present years before the cancer spread. The findings that pancreatic cancer grows slowly can save lives. The National Cancer Institute estimates 36,800 people will die the disease this year. The five year survival rate when the disease spreads to other organs is a mere 1.9 percent. Currenty, "pretty much everybody" is diagnosed too late, according to Dr. Iacobuzio-Donahue.
Johns Hopkins News
Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of pathology and oncology at Hopkins’ Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center explains most patients are diagnosed late, but “there is potentially a very broad window for screening”, something that the researchers say is a surprise.
Current screening methods for pancreatic cancer fail to pick up tumors that might take decades to grow. The researchers suggest lives could be saved by screening for cancer of the pancreas using the same types of methods used for breast and colon cancer screening.
The researchers found that after a pancreatic cancer cell develops it takes almost 7 years to progress to the size of a plum with the potential of at least one cell to spread to other organs. When the disease metastasizes most patients die within 2.5 years. The findings that pancreatic cancer is grows very slowly contradicts what was previously known about the disease. Lack of symptoms makes it impossible to detect pancreatic cancer when it is most treatable.
It takes at least a decade for a mutated pancreatic cell to turn into cancer. Once that happens, it takes another 7 years before the disease would start to spread, using conservative estimates.
Iacobuzio-Donahue suggests the possibility of using a tiny camera attached to a thin, long tube to perform endoscopy that could detect pancreatic cancer sooner. Just like colonoscopy screening that helps prevent cancer and recommended beginning at age 50, the Hopkins researchers hope to develop a test to find the disease in its early stages.
The slow growth of pancreatic cancer was discovered by the scientists through gene sequencing of cancer cells among patients who died; analyzed within 6 hours of death. They discovered gene mutations were present years before the cancer spread. The findings that pancreatic cancer grows slowly can save lives. The National Cancer Institute estimates 36,800 people will die the disease this year. The five year survival rate when the disease spreads to other organs is a mere 1.9 percent. Currenty, "pretty much everybody" is diagnosed too late, according to Dr. Iacobuzio-Donahue.
Johns Hopkins News
Council for Disability Awareness (CDA) Study Shows Recession Risks Make Disability Planning More Important
A recent study by the Council on Disability Awareness (CDA) indicates that more than half of all Americans have never discussed with anyone how they would continue paying their bills if they became temporarily disabled. The good news is that it is possible for employers to help employees protect themselves from the financial impact of disability by planning ahead. "While there may not be much people can do about the housing crisis or the recession - or how either of those factors will affect the economy - people can do something about the threat of disability and its impact on personal finances," says Barry Lundquist, CDA president. The recent Worker Disability Planning and Preparedness Study sponsored by the CDA reveals Americans’ knowledge of and attitudes about disability:
more informtaion click here! |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Preventive Health Programs Work
Preventive medicine can reduce health risks in just one year, according to a study published in the Journal Population Health Management. After one year, 42% of patients in a preventive medicine program faced fewer health risks. Sixty-four percent of high-risk patients lowered their risk status. Eighty-seven percent of low risk patients maintained their health status. The biggest declines in these risks were in: blood pressure (43%), fasting blood sugar (31%), stress (25%), alcohol consumption (24%), and cholesterol (23%).
Ronald Loeppke, M.D., M.P.H., vice-chairman of U.S. Preventive Medicine and lead author said, “Employers are beginning to realize they need to invest in the health of their employees to drive their business success and continue to offer sustainable employee healthcare benefits programs.” For more information, visit www.USPreventiveMedicine.com.
Ronald Loeppke, M.D., M.P.H., vice-chairman of U.S. Preventive Medicine and lead author said, “Employers are beginning to realize they need to invest in the health of their employees to drive their business success and continue to offer sustainable employee healthcare benefits programs.” For more information, visit www.USPreventiveMedicine.com.
Disease Management: Worth the Investment?
Disease management has grown into an estimated $2.5 billion industry. But lately it’s been taking some hits. What exactly is disease management, and is it effective in controlling health care...
Employee Benefits ReportOctober 2010
Annuities Mitigate Retirement Risks
The percentage of households that are at risk for financial issues during retirement jumps from 51% to 60% for households that live off of the interest from their assets instead of purchasing an inflation-indexed annuity. The study, by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, suggests that having annuities provides more monthly income in retirement than simply drawing down assets or living off the interest on assets.
The study, which was sponsored by Nationwide Financial, examined two alternatives to annuitization. In the first alternative, households drew down their assets at 4% per year, which is a common strategy suggested by financial planners and investment professionals. In the second scenario, households lived off the interest on their accumulated wealth (estimated at 1.9% annually). The Index uses the conservative assumptions that people work to age 65, get income from reverse mortgages, and annuitize all of their financial assets.
Center Director Alicia H. Munnell said, “Purchasing an annuity is one way that households can ensure that they don’t outlive their assets, but the reality is that most people do not choose this option.”
People with a high net worth are most affected by not annuitizing their assets. The percentage at risk increased from 42% to 47% for those who drew down their assets at 4% a year and increased from 42% to 57% for those who lived off the interest of their assets. Higher income households typically rely on the return on their assets while lower income households typically rely on Social Security for most of their retirement income.
Brad Davis, vice president of retirement income solutions for Nationwide Financial Services said, “The latest analysis of the NRRI demonstrates the important role that annuities can play in helping people plan for retirement. It also highlights an opportunity for advisors to help educate clients about what options are available as they develop their retirement income strategy.” To get the full report, visit http://crr.bc.edu.
The study, which was sponsored by Nationwide Financial, examined two alternatives to annuitization. In the first alternative, households drew down their assets at 4% per year, which is a common strategy suggested by financial planners and investment professionals. In the second scenario, households lived off the interest on their accumulated wealth (estimated at 1.9% annually). The Index uses the conservative assumptions that people work to age 65, get income from reverse mortgages, and annuitize all of their financial assets.
Center Director Alicia H. Munnell said, “Purchasing an annuity is one way that households can ensure that they don’t outlive their assets, but the reality is that most people do not choose this option.”
People with a high net worth are most affected by not annuitizing their assets. The percentage at risk increased from 42% to 47% for those who drew down their assets at 4% a year and increased from 42% to 57% for those who lived off the interest of their assets. Higher income households typically rely on the return on their assets while lower income households typically rely on Social Security for most of their retirement income.
Brad Davis, vice president of retirement income solutions for Nationwide Financial Services said, “The latest analysis of the NRRI demonstrates the important role that annuities can play in helping people plan for retirement. It also highlights an opportunity for advisors to help educate clients about what options are available as they develop their retirement income strategy.” To get the full report, visit http://crr.bc.edu.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
One of the difficulties in National Health Care Reform
Key findings released today by United Benefit Advisors (UBA) from the UBA 2010 Health Plan Survey indicate that significant differences in state-by-state average annual costs (AAC) for employee health plans may have implications regarding the future implementation of health insurance exchanges and/or co-operatives.
The survey reveals that while Alaska has the highest average annual cost (AAC) per employee at $10,881, the only other states with an AAC per employee in excess of $10,000 are all located in the Northeast:
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/10/26/prwebprweb4705154.DTL#ixzz13WYIFJBV
The survey reveals that while Alaska has the highest average annual cost (AAC) per employee at $10,881, the only other states with an AAC per employee in excess of $10,000 are all located in the Northeast:
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/10/26/prwebprweb4705154.DTL#ixzz13WYIFJBV
Case of the week
A LTC case - a broker has a client that he wrote a LTC policy on 13 years ago. He wrote a very high benefit - long benefit period. Back then - it was fairly inexpensive. The client went through 2 rate increases. Her premiums went up by 40%! She just was okayed for benefits. Cognitively - her first 6 months will pay out an amount almost equal to her total premiums!!!!!
Senior Newsletter
Information for the changing needs of seniors and their families.Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Sandwich Generation Is Hungry for Financial Guidance
Employees who care for their children as well as elderly relatives have a great appetite for financial advice, according to a MetLife study. People in this difficult position are often referred to as the “Sandwich Generation.” Nearly one in five full-time employees are caring for older relatives and nearly three-quarters of them also have children under 18. Respondents agreed with the following statements:
• I live paycheck to paycheck: 64% of sandwich-generation employees and 42% of employees caring for kids only.
• I am very concerned about being able to afford a home: 74% of sandwich-generation employees and 37% of employees caring for kids only.
• I am very concerned about affording college: 72% of sandwich generation employees and 55% of employees caring for kids only.
• I am very concerned about having more family time: 72% of sandwich generation employees and 45% of employees caring for kids only and.
• I am very concerned about my own long-term care needs: 70% of sandwich generation employees and 40% of employers who are caring for kids only.
Sandra Timmermann, Ed.D., director of the MetLife Mature Market Institute said, “As the U.S. population ages, the percentage of employees who are caregivers will continue to grow and they will be looking to employers for help and support.”
The study found that 64% of caregivers with children say they worry less about unexpected health and financial issues because of a workplace benefit, demonstrating that employers can provide a real lifeline.
The study also revealed that sandwich generation employees are more likely to seek financial advice. Only 5% don’t consult with anyone about their personal finances, compared to 30% of employees who care for kids only. Employees are using several sources for financial advice:
• Financial advisers – 45% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 24% of employees caring for just kids.
• Friends and relatives–39% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 17% of employees caring for just kids.
• Insurance agents–39% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 7% of employees caring for just kids.
• Accountants–32% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 9% of employees caring for just kids.
• Human resources dept. –26% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 10% of employees caring for just kids.
• Financial publications and websites — 23% of Sandwich-Generation employees of Sandwich-Generation employees and 13% of employees caring for just kids.
For more information, visit www.MatureMarketInstitute.com
• I live paycheck to paycheck: 64% of sandwich-generation employees and 42% of employees caring for kids only.
• I am very concerned about being able to afford a home: 74% of sandwich-generation employees and 37% of employees caring for kids only.
• I am very concerned about affording college: 72% of sandwich generation employees and 55% of employees caring for kids only.
• I am very concerned about having more family time: 72% of sandwich generation employees and 45% of employees caring for kids only and.
• I am very concerned about my own long-term care needs: 70% of sandwich generation employees and 40% of employers who are caring for kids only.
Sandra Timmermann, Ed.D., director of the MetLife Mature Market Institute said, “As the U.S. population ages, the percentage of employees who are caregivers will continue to grow and they will be looking to employers for help and support.”
The study found that 64% of caregivers with children say they worry less about unexpected health and financial issues because of a workplace benefit, demonstrating that employers can provide a real lifeline.
The study also revealed that sandwich generation employees are more likely to seek financial advice. Only 5% don’t consult with anyone about their personal finances, compared to 30% of employees who care for kids only. Employees are using several sources for financial advice:
• Financial advisers – 45% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 24% of employees caring for just kids.
• Friends and relatives–39% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 17% of employees caring for just kids.
• Insurance agents–39% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 7% of employees caring for just kids.
• Accountants–32% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 9% of employees caring for just kids.
• Human resources dept. –26% of Sandwich-Generation employees and 10% of employees caring for just kids.
• Financial publications and websites — 23% of Sandwich-Generation employees of Sandwich-Generation employees and 13% of employees caring for just kids.
For more information, visit www.MatureMarketInstitute.com
CDHP Members Are More Likely to Adopt Healthy Behaviors
Americans who engaged in healthy habits saw their total medical costs go down 15%, an average $358 per person in the first year, according a CIGNA study. Members in consumer driven health plans (CDHPs) are most likely to engage in these healthy habits. The company compared the healthcare claims experience of 897,000 CIGNA members in consumer driven health (CDHP) plans, PPOs, and HMOs. Customers who had healthy behaviors, such as participating in health coaching and disease management programs, substituting generic medications for brand name drugs, and avoiding unnecessary trips to the emergency room, saw their costs go down.
CDHP members are up to 19% more likely to participate in the company’s health coaching program compared to those enrolled in a traditional plan. CDHP members with a chronic illness are 21% more likely to participate in their plan’s disease management program.
CDHP members who have a pharmacy management benefit choose generic equivalent drugs 70% of the time. CDHP members use the emergency 13% less often than do those with HMOs and PPOs. CIGNA Choice Fund members saved an average of $800 when they visited an urgent care facility, their doctor’s office, or convenience clinic instead of the ER.
Use of online information and tools, through myCIGNA.com, increased by 40% when members are enrolled in a CDHP plan. CDHP plan enrollees are five times more likely to complete a health assessment compared to those enrolled in a traditional plan.
CDHP medical costs are 15% lower than traditional plans during the first year, cumulative cost savings rise to 18% in the second year, 21% in the third year, 24% in the fourth year, and 26% in the fifth year.
New CDHP members had the same or better statistical compliance with 400 evidence-based medical best practice measures than their counterparts in traditional plans. Compliance among CDHP members is 14% higher for those enrolled in CDHP plans for multiple years. Moreover, CDHP members sought preventive care 8% to 10% more often than those enrolled in a traditional plan.
The medical cost trend was substantially less for CDHP members with joint disease (21% less), diabetes (8% less), and hypertension (7% less), than for members with any of those diseases who are in traditional CIGNA health plans.
CDHP members with health reimbursement accounts paid $35 less per year out of their own pockets compared to members in traditional plans, demonstrating that savings can be achieved without cost shifting. Also, the percentage of total cost was the same for men and women.
“The evidence is clear. Given the right incentives, the right health improvement programs, useful cost and quality information, and easy-to-understand correspondence, individuals are making rational, wise and successful healthcare decisions. Perhaps because most individuals covered by CIGNA Choice Fund plans are receiving the same or better levels of care for lower cost, 83% of those surveyed report that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the service for their CDHP plans – slightly higher than the 82% satisfaction rate across all of our health plans,” said CIGNA Chief Medical Officer Jeffery Kang, M.D. For more information, visit http://www.cigna.com.
CDHP members are up to 19% more likely to participate in the company’s health coaching program compared to those enrolled in a traditional plan. CDHP members with a chronic illness are 21% more likely to participate in their plan’s disease management program.
CDHP members who have a pharmacy management benefit choose generic equivalent drugs 70% of the time. CDHP members use the emergency 13% less often than do those with HMOs and PPOs. CIGNA Choice Fund members saved an average of $800 when they visited an urgent care facility, their doctor’s office, or convenience clinic instead of the ER.
Use of online information and tools, through myCIGNA.com, increased by 40% when members are enrolled in a CDHP plan. CDHP plan enrollees are five times more likely to complete a health assessment compared to those enrolled in a traditional plan.
CDHP medical costs are 15% lower than traditional plans during the first year, cumulative cost savings rise to 18% in the second year, 21% in the third year, 24% in the fourth year, and 26% in the fifth year.
New CDHP members had the same or better statistical compliance with 400 evidence-based medical best practice measures than their counterparts in traditional plans. Compliance among CDHP members is 14% higher for those enrolled in CDHP plans for multiple years. Moreover, CDHP members sought preventive care 8% to 10% more often than those enrolled in a traditional plan.
The medical cost trend was substantially less for CDHP members with joint disease (21% less), diabetes (8% less), and hypertension (7% less), than for members with any of those diseases who are in traditional CIGNA health plans.
CDHP members with health reimbursement accounts paid $35 less per year out of their own pockets compared to members in traditional plans, demonstrating that savings can be achieved without cost shifting. Also, the percentage of total cost was the same for men and women.
“The evidence is clear. Given the right incentives, the right health improvement programs, useful cost and quality information, and easy-to-understand correspondence, individuals are making rational, wise and successful healthcare decisions. Perhaps because most individuals covered by CIGNA Choice Fund plans are receiving the same or better levels of care for lower cost, 83% of those surveyed report that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the service for their CDHP plans – slightly higher than the 82% satisfaction rate across all of our health plans,” said CIGNA Chief Medical Officer Jeffery Kang, M.D. For more information, visit http://www.cigna.com.
Hospital Costs Keep Climbing
An article by Jordan Rau of Kaiser Health News describes how hospital costs keep climbing amid healthcare reform. State laws have inadvertently given hospitals even more leverage to demand higher prices. California requires HMOs to have networks that offer all major specialties reasonably close to where patients live. Lisa Rubino, president of Molina Healthcare of California, told Kaiser Health News that the law makes it difficult for insurers to drop big hospitals from their networks. “You have to work with them or make a strategic decision to get out of the area because they can dig in,” says Rubino.
Hospital rates in the Bay Area now are among California’s most expensive, propelled upward by prominent hospitals and networks, including Sutter Health, Stanford Hospital & Clinics and John Muir Health, according to private and government data.
Statewide, hospital prices have been rising rapidly for years. For privately insured patients, the cost of a stay has increased annually by an average of 8.5% over the past five years while the cost of an outpatient visit has grown by 9.6% a year, state records reveal.
High prices don’t always equal superior care. Quality measures for some of the Bay Area’s most prestigious hospitals, including Stanford and John Muir, show that in some instances, less expensive competitors perform as well or better in their basic responsibilities, such as avoiding infections and high death rates for patients in intensive care. However, few employers are willing to limit workers to plans with less expensive hospitals. “When we propose alternatives, one of the very first question employers of all sizes ask is what affect the change will have on employees and their dependents,” said Jennifer Walsh, benefit practice leader at Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. in San Francisco, to Kaiser Health News. Many employers, instead, make their workers pay the increased costs.
A few employers are trying to stop the upward march of hospital prices. CalPERS, the state pension fund, estimates it has saved $252 million over five years by kicking some of the costliest hospitals and doctors out of several of its HMO networks in 2005. The savings amounted to about 3.1% of premiums, CalPERS says. For more information, visit www.kff.org.
Hospital rates in the Bay Area now are among California’s most expensive, propelled upward by prominent hospitals and networks, including Sutter Health, Stanford Hospital & Clinics and John Muir Health, according to private and government data.
Statewide, hospital prices have been rising rapidly for years. For privately insured patients, the cost of a stay has increased annually by an average of 8.5% over the past five years while the cost of an outpatient visit has grown by 9.6% a year, state records reveal.
High prices don’t always equal superior care. Quality measures for some of the Bay Area’s most prestigious hospitals, including Stanford and John Muir, show that in some instances, less expensive competitors perform as well or better in their basic responsibilities, such as avoiding infections and high death rates for patients in intensive care. However, few employers are willing to limit workers to plans with less expensive hospitals. “When we propose alternatives, one of the very first question employers of all sizes ask is what affect the change will have on employees and their dependents,” said Jennifer Walsh, benefit practice leader at Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. in San Francisco, to Kaiser Health News. Many employers, instead, make their workers pay the increased costs.
A few employers are trying to stop the upward march of hospital prices. CalPERS, the state pension fund, estimates it has saved $252 million over five years by kicking some of the costliest hospitals and doctors out of several of its HMO networks in 2005. The savings amounted to about 3.1% of premiums, CalPERS says. For more information, visit www.kff.org.
Healthcare Cost Increases to Continue in 2011
As a number of healthcare reform provisions go into effect for employer plans in 2011, costs for the most popular types of plans are projected to increase by more than 10%, according to a national survey of more than 120 insurers and administrators by Buck Consultants, Xerox Company.
Due to economic uncertainty, insurers may be projecting higher claim costs because employees who remain after layoffs tend to be older and more expensive to insure.” The study measured the projected average annual increase in employer-provided healthcare benefit costs. Insurers providing medical trends for the survey cover a total of approximately 150 million people.Costs are projected to increase at slightly increased rates from the trends reported in the prior two surveys, as shown in the following chart:
Type of Plan | 22nd survey | 21st survey | 20th survey |
PPOs | 11.6% | 11.1% | 11.0% |
Point-of-service plans | 11.3 | 10.9 | 10.2 |
HMOs | 10.6 | 10.3 | 11.0 |
High Deductible Health Plans | 11.3 | 10.3 | 10.4 |
“Health insurers anticipate higher claim costs under healthcare reform. Also, due to current economic uncertainty, insurers may be projecting higher claim costs because employees who remain after layoffs tend to be older and more expensive to insure,” said Harvey Sobel, FSA, a Buck principal and consulting actuary who directed the survey.
The trend increase for high deductible health plans (HDHP) is projected to be at or near those for PPO, POS, and HMO plans. “One reason for this is the more pronounced deductible leveraging effect for HDHPs,” said Sobel.
He provided this example:
• A $10,000 medical bill in a plan with a $100 deductible results in a cost to the insurer of $9,900. If the trend rate is 10%, that medical bill rises to $11,000 and, after the $100 deductible, the cost to the insurer rises to $10,900 – or a 10.1% increase over the previous $9,900 cost.
• Now consider the same $10,000 medical bill in a high deductible plan with a $1,000 deductible, resulting in a cost to the insurer of $9,000. With the same 10% trend rate, the medical bill again rises to $11,000 and, after the $1,000 deductible, the cost to the insurer rises to $10,000 – or an 11.1% increase over the previous $9,000 cost.
Health insurers reported an average prescription drug trend of 11.3%, up 0.4 points from the 10.9% reported in the prior survey. This is almost twice the 5.8% reported by pharmacy benefit managers (who generally do not take any underwriting risk).
For plans that supplement Medicare, health insurers reported a projected increase of 6.4% excluding prescription drug coverage, up from 5.8% in the prior survey. This lower trend reflects the impact of federal controls on Medicare fees and the lower increases expected in Medicare deductibles and co-pays. For more information, visit .
We can help you lower your heatlh plan costs at: http://www.amsinsure.com/
Guaranteed Issue Medicare Supplement!
Beginning October 15th for policies with a November 1, 2010 effective date, we are providing guaranteed issue for eligible individuals who switch from an existing Medicare Supplement policy to a new Anthem Medicare Supplement policy with equal or lesser benefits.
That's correct, we will accept new Medicare Supplement members without need for health history or underwriting. Eligible applicants must simply have an existing Medicare Supplement policy with any carrier and apply for an Anthem Medicare Supplement policy of equal or lesser benefits.
This means it's easier than ever for customers to get the plan they need.
The Guaranteed Issue Medicare Supplement offer will end on December 1, 2011, so to take advantage of this limited time offer, applications must be received on or before that date. Although applicants can switch for effective dates throughout the entire 2011 calendar year, you'll want to get started now to help ensure customers find the right plan!
While online applicants will need to complete the Health History in order to successfully navigate through the online system, as long as they are applying for an Anthem Medicare Supplement policy of equal or lesser benefits, their application will not need underwriting and the Health History information will not be reviewed or considered.
Note: Program applies to all states except NY, CT, ME and NH as these states already have guaranteed issue of Medicare Supplement policies.
Medicare Supplements
That's correct, we will accept new Medicare Supplement members without need for health history or underwriting. Eligible applicants must simply have an existing Medicare Supplement policy with any carrier and apply for an Anthem Medicare Supplement policy of equal or lesser benefits.
This means it's easier than ever for customers to get the plan they need.
The Guaranteed Issue Medicare Supplement offer will end on December 1, 2011, so to take advantage of this limited time offer, applications must be received on or before that date. Although applicants can switch for effective dates throughout the entire 2011 calendar year, you'll want to get started now to help ensure customers find the right plan!
While online applicants will need to complete the Health History in order to successfully navigate through the online system, as long as they are applying for an Anthem Medicare Supplement policy of equal or lesser benefits, their application will not need underwriting and the Health History information will not be reviewed or considered.
Note: Program applies to all states except NY, CT, ME and NH as these states already have guaranteed issue of Medicare Supplement policies.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Advantages of Offering a Defined Benefit Plan:
- Owners can contribute more than 401(k) limits of $16,500/$49,000
- Owners have option to overfund contributions (150%) in a good year
- Allows for larger tax deductions compared to defined contribution plan
- Employer contributions can be taken as a business expense deduction
- Excellent source of retirement income for employees close to retiring
- Owners have option to overfund contributions (150%) in a good year
- Allows for larger tax deductions compared to defined contribution plan
- Employer contributions can be taken as a business expense deduction
- Excellent source of retirement income for employees close to retiring
Defined Benefit Plans Offer a Powerful Retirement Planning Tool for Small Businesses
When people think about their overall retirement strategy, they often include plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs. Many overlook the possibility of using a defined benefit plan as an additional tool for reaching their retirement goals. Defined benefit plans are often misunderstood, considered a thing of the past or erroneously thought to be appropriate only for large corporations. Defined benefit plans can provide a rich retirement planning tool and a very large tax deduction for small business owners.
Monday, October 18, 2010
California Health Care Legislation signed by Governor Schartzenegger
Last week, Governor Schwarzenegger (R) signed two bills that make California the first state to establish a health insurance exchange pursuant to PPACA. AB 1602, sponsored by Assembly Speaker John Pérez, and SB 900, sponsored by Senator Elaine Alquist, establish the California Health Benefit Exchange. During a phone call on Wednesday, President Obama reportedly encouraged Schwarzenegger to sign the companion bills so California's insurance exchange could begin operating by the January 2014 federal deadline. California's health insurance exchange is likely to be the largest exchange operated by a single state, with as many as 8.3 million residents expected to be eligible for coverage.
The exchange will provide consumers with a marketplace of insurance plans through a website that will provide standardized, detailed information about the plans and offer a toll-free number to help consumers understand their options. The exchange will also will provide resources to connect eligible Californians to federal subsidies for health coverage or government programs such as Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program, as required by PPACA.
The bills also established an independent, five-member board to oversee California's exchange. The board will select health insurers to participate in the exchange and determine the process for enrolling Californians in the program. Governor Schwarzenegger will select two board members before his term ends and the legislature will appoint the remaining members.
The governor recently signed several additional health care bills, including:
Last week, Governor Schwarzenegger (R) signed two bills that make California the first state to establish a health insurance exchange pursuant to PPACA. AB 1602, sponsored by Assembly Speaker John Pérez, and SB 900, sponsored by Senator Elaine Alquist, establish the California Health Benefit Exchange. During a phone call on Wednesday, President Obama reportedly encouraged Schwarzenegger to sign the companion bills so California's insurance exchange could begin operating by the January 2014 federal deadline. California's health insurance exchange is likely to be the largest exchange operated by a single state, with as many as 8.3 million residents expected to be eligible for coverage.
The exchange will provide consumers with a marketplace of insurance plans through a website that will provide standardized, detailed information about the plans and offer a toll-free number to help consumers understand their options. The exchange will also will provide resources to connect eligible Californians to federal subsidies for health coverage or government programs such as Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program, as required by PPACA.
The bills also established an independent, five-member board to oversee California's exchange. The board will select health insurers to participate in the exchange and determine the process for enrolling Californians in the program. Governor Schwarzenegger will select two board members before his term ends and the legislature will appoint the remaining members.
The governor recently signed several additional health care bills, including:
- SB 1088, which allows young adults to retain coverage under their parents' health insurance plan until age 26
- AB 2244, which prohibits health plans from denying coverage to children with preexisting health conditions
- AB 2470, which bars health insurers from rescinding a member's health insurance coverage except in cases where fraud or intentional misrepresentation has occurred
- SB 1163, which requires independent actuaries to review and certify health insurers' rate filings to ensure that premium costs are calculated accurately and that all proposed rate hikes are posted on insurer and state websites
- AB 2345, which requires all health plans to cover certain preventive services with no cost-sharing
Friday, October 15, 2010
Reporting Employee Health Cost
Important News:
Effective October 12th, The Treasury Department and the IRS determined healthcare cost reporting would be
optional for Forms W-2 issued for 2011. This is meant to give employers more time to adjust their payroll systems to meet new reporting requirements.
A draft Form W-2 has also been released by the IRS to assist employers in preparing their payroll systems. The
new form includes the codes employers can use to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan.
Please keep in mind that although reporting the cost of coverage for 2011 is optional, the amounts are not taxable and will be used for informational purposes only.
For additional information, please visit the links below:
Click here to view the IRS News Release
Click here to download the draft Form W-2
Click here to download IRS notice Interim Relief with Respect to Form W-2 Reporting of the Cost of Coverage of Group Health Insurance Under § 6051(a)(14)
Effective October 12th, The Treasury Department and the IRS determined healthcare cost reporting would be
optional for Forms W-2 issued for 2011. This is meant to give employers more time to adjust their payroll systems to meet new reporting requirements.
A draft Form W-2 has also been released by the IRS to assist employers in preparing their payroll systems. The
new form includes the codes employers can use to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan.
Please keep in mind that although reporting the cost of coverage for 2011 is optional, the amounts are not taxable and will be used for informational purposes only.
For additional information, please visit the links below:
Click here to view the IRS News Release
Click here to download the draft Form W-2
Click here to download IRS notice Interim Relief with Respect to Form W-2 Reporting of the Cost of Coverage of Group Health Insurance Under § 6051(a)(14)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Six in Ten Women Don’t Know How They’ll Pay for Their Future Long-Term Care Needs
Fifty-nine percent of women ages 45 to 64 haven’t determined how they will pay for their long-term care needs, according to a recent AARP survey. Only 23% say they will be likely to pay for future care needs with personal savings. Also, 40% don’t know that long-term care is more than nursing home care. “Studies consistently show that women are the biggest users of long-term care and we’re more likely than men to need these services. Yet we are so busy with our own hectic lives and caring for others that we’ll only address our own needs after everyone else’s. Taking a little time and a few easy steps can provide for peace of mind now and in the future,” says Alyson Burns, Director of AARP’s Long-term Care Awareness Campaign.
Long Term Care Events Take an Emotional and Financial Toll on Caregivers
Seventy-three percent of primary caregiving family members say that a long-term care event has reduced their savings plans, according to a report by Genworth Financial. Of these respondents, 80% have decreased their retirement contributions. In addition nearly half of primary caregivers have lost a job or missed career opportunities as a result of family care giving responsibilities.
Colleen Goldhammer, senior vice president, financial institutions distribution, at Genworth said, “Too often, people measure the cost of long-term care simply in dollar terms, not taking into account the many other ways that it can affect a family. The most important step families can take to preserve their well being is to engage in proactive discussion around long-term care planning. An agent or advisor can play a key role in encouraging clients to take this important first step. Financial advisors have an opportunity to become valuable allies to pre-retirees considering ways to protect against the financial and emotional costs of a long term care event.”The cost of long-term care continues to rise at steady pace nationally. The hourly rate for licensed home care is $19 while the median daily rate for a private room in a nursing home is $206, according to Genworth’s 2010 Cost of Care Survey.
Family relationships often suffer as a result of a long-term care event. Primary and secondary caregivers reported an increase in stress with their spouse, siblings, and with their children. In addition, 20% of primary caregivers and 12% of secondary caregivers said that their caregiving left them with less time to spend with their children. Goldhammer said that Advisors and agents are encouraged ask their clients whether a long-term care event is affecting their quality of life and the lives of their family members. The website, www.caringtalk.com, offers tips on how to break the ice to discuss long-term care issues with family members, guidance from experts, helpful dos and don’ts, and advice from people who have taken the important first step of discussing long-term care with their own families. For more information, visit www.caringtalk.com.
Structuring 401(k) Plans to Boost to Retirement Savings
Instituting auto-enrollment and auto-contribution escalation in 401(k) plans can result in a big improvement in retirement savings, especially for low-income workers. These are the results of a study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association (DCIIA).
Having a more optimal use of automatic features in 401(k) plans increases the chances for younger lower-income workers to hit a target of 80% pre-retirement real income replacement. The 401(k)s that include the following features are more likely to help workers achieve their retirement goals:
· A higher automatic-enrollment contribution rate cap.
· A successful program to reduce automatic contribution escalation opt outs.
· A higher annual auto-contribution escalation rate.
Having a more optimal use of automatic features in 401(k) plans increases the chances for younger lower-income workers to hit a target of 80% pre-retirement real income replacement. The 401(k)s that include the following features are more likely to help workers achieve their retirement goals:
· A higher automatic-enrollment contribution rate cap.
· A successful program to reduce automatic contribution escalation opt outs.
· A higher annual auto-contribution escalation rate.
Voluntary Benefits Give Employees the Edge
A national survey, conducted for WellPoint Inc., shows that voluntary benefits provide an edge when employees weigh the value of their jobs. In fact, 83% of employees think more highly of employers that offer voluntary insurance benefits than those that don’t. Nearly 90% of prospective employees said that, when it comes to accepting a new job, it is important to consider whether companies offer a full range of health benefits, including voluntary. Fifty-six percent called it very important.
While 82% of employees whose company offered voluntary benefits say they are satisfied with their offerings, that satisfaction falls by 30% for those whose companies don’t offer such benefits.Sixty-seven percent of employees say their company offers voluntary insurance. The employees who are more likely to say their company offers voluntary insurance are men (71%), those in the Northeast (74%), those at large companies (81%), and those with an average household income of $50,000 or more (74%).
Only fifty-six percent of workers say they are knowledgeable about the voluntary insurance products offered at their companies. Sixty-seven percent say that having their employer provide voluntary benefits would increase their productivity. The top reasons employees enroll in voluntary benefits include cost savings (54%), greater protection for their families (50%) and ease of mind (44%). For more information, visit http://www.wellpoint.com.
Businesses Plan to Hire Additional Staff in 2011
Businesses across the globe are now looking to hire new staff, according to the Regus Business Tracker survey. U.S. business was close to the global average with 32% of companies preparing to add new staff in 2011. “As companies look to find economies in their own operations, we are likely to see more and more organizations offering flexible working practices to their existing or prospective employees in a bid to achieve a better work-life balance and run a leaner organization,” said Sande Golgart, regional vice president for Regus.
The fact that companies are looking to hire additional staff will be regarded as a significant indicator that the mindset of organizations has shifted toward investment in growth through human capital, according to the report.
Golgart said, “The intention to increase headcount is a clear indicator that businesses want to be prepared to grasp the opportunities that recovering markets may throw their way. The U.S. in particular is still suffering from high unemployment levels, at 9.6%, although private sector payroll continues to increase slightly and this finding should be taken as a positive indication for employment.” The survey revealed that 41% of companies are still looking to reduce their overhead through means other than reducing staff. This reveals an attitude of cautious optimism.
For more information, visit: www.regus.com.
Corporate Wellness Doesn’t Just Save Money; It Makes Money
The “double whammy” of skyrocketing healthcare costs and a sputtering economy—as if the cost of healthcare wasn’t a concern in the years before the recession—have put companies in an almost impossible situation. At the same time staffs are being reduced, providing healthcare for the remaining workforce demands more expense and more sharing of the load with employees, leaving everyone feeling a little sick about healthcare. To put in perspective the reality of the crisis, according to the current Towers Perrin Health Care Cost Survey, an employee’s average medical costs have increased by 7 percent over 20091. The average employee share of medical costs has increased 10 percent. According to the same report, workers’ earning have increased 37 percent since 2000, but that hardly dents the 149 percent rise in active employee health care costs during the same period[1]. Of course, most businesses are facing the same affordability gap.
read more at: Corporate Wellness
read more at: Corporate Wellness
Workplace wellness…a collaborative approach
Workplace wellness…a collaborative approach
Sharon M. Weinstein
A workplace is only as good as how it treats its workers. Let’s explore this concept of wellness, and the trends that have evolved. see full article at: Corporate Wellness
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Kaiser Health Plans Rated #1 in California by Consujmer Reports
Release Date: 10/05/2010
Health and NCQA Publish Rankings of 227 HMOs and Point-of-Service Plans
President Obama Answers Questions on Health Reform
YONKERS, NY — With open enrollment season now underway, consumers with employer-based health insurance can take advantage of the once-a-year opportunity to switch plans. To help consumers compare health insurance plans, Consumer Reports Health is today publishing rankings of 227 HMOs and Point-of-Service (POS) plans. The Rankings are produced by the non-profit National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the main U.S. group that sets measurement standards for health insurance, accredits plans, measures the quality of care they achieve, and publicly reports the findings.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Disability:CASE OF THE WEEK:
Had an application on the husband. The wife was the instigator since she was a stay at home mom. Went to underwriting and when the labs were done - there was nicotine found. So - other than that the policy was issued as applied for - except for smoker rates. The wife absolutely did not believe that this could be correct. She had strong words for our case worker about mistakes and not handling the file correctly. They did not accept the contract.
One month later - through a difference producer - we get in an application on this same client. The application was for a smoker rate...
Sebelius Says Medicare Advantage Plans Will Not Suffer Because Of Healthcare Law.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (10/5, Malloy, Twedt) reports, "Medicare Advantage plans, exceedingly popular in Western Pennsylvania, will not wane under the new healthcare law, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius insisted Monday." During a "meeting with a handful of DC reporters...Ms. Sebelius said the decision by a large Massachusetts insurer to leave the Medicare Advantage market is not a harbinger of the program's decline." She stated, "My guess is companies will continue to cite this law from now on -- it's an easy mark. ... But frankly, any company that pulled out of the Medicare Advantage plan this year, my guess is that they had business plans to do that whether or not the president signed this law in March of 2010."
States Watch As California Implements Health Benefits Exchange.
The Sacramento Bee (10/5, 3A, Calvin) reports, "California's push to be the first in the nation to establish a health benefits exchange is being closely watched by other states as they act on implementing key elements of the national healthcare overhaul law." The Bee notes that Governor Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature will "soon begin considering appointments to the five-member oversight board that will be responsible for running the exchange -- and as the board begins its task of defining how the new exchange will operate."
States Receive $1 Million From HHS To Set Up Health Exchanges.
The AP (10/5) reports, "Federal officials say Nebraska and the Dakotas will each be getting $1 million to help the states establish a health insurance exchange. The exchanges, created by the federal Affordable Care Act, are meant to be one-stop shopping where people can purchase health insurance coverage," and "they're scheduled to be in place in 2014." Notably, HHS "is distributing nearly $49 million to help the states do the planning necessary to establish the exchanges and decide how they'll operate."
HHS Accepts More Employers Into Program Subsidizing Retiree Health Benefits.
CQ HealthBeat (10/5, Reichard, subscription required) reports, "Almost 3,000 employers and unions have been accepted by the program created by the healthcare overhaul law to help pay the medical costs of early retirees," HHS "announced Monday." This represents an increase of 1,000 since "August, when the first round of acceptances were announced for applications to the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program." HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stated in a press release, "I am incredibly pleased to see so many employers embrace this important new program to maintain coverage for people who often have a difficult time finding affordable coverage."
The AP (10/5) notes, "More than 40 more Michigan employers and unions will get help providing health coverage to early retirees and their families. They're among nearly 1,000 additional employers and unions approved nationwide to participate in the $5 billion Affordable Care Act's Early Retiree Reinsurance Program." To date, "there are...142 participants from Michigan in the program."
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (10/5, Fabregas) reports that "Sebelius yesterday used a visit to Mine Safety Appliances Co. to shore up support for the much debated federal healthcare law. During a stop at the company's Cranberry headquarters, Sebelius touted a program that aims to help employers pay for health insurance coverage for early retirees." Sebelius said about retiree health coverage, "It's often difficult to get and impossible to afford." Notably, "about 29 percent of large firms provided workers with retiree health coverage in 2009, down from 66 percent in 1988." Modern Healthcare (10/5, Vesely, subscription required) also covers the story.
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