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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Preventive Health Programs Work

Preventive medicine can reduce health risks in just one year, according to a study published in the Journal Population Health Management. After one year, 42% of patients in a preventive medicine program faced fewer health risks. Sixty-four percent of high-risk patients lowered their risk status. Eighty-seven percent of low risk patients maintained their health status. The biggest declines in these risks were in: blood pressure (43%), fasting blood sugar (31%), stress (25%), alcohol consumption (24%), and cholesterol (23%).
Ronald Loeppke, M.D., M.P.H., vice-chairman of U.S. Preventive Medicine and lead author said, “Employers are beginning to realize they need to invest in the health of their employees to drive their business success and continue to offer sustainable employee healthcare benefits programs.” For more information, visit www.USPreventiveMedicine.com.

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