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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Choose your Disability Policy

1.  You can choose your Disability Income policy...
But - you can't choose your disability!!
2. Residual Benefit - this is almost always necessary.
You do  not need to be totally disabled. What is normally needed is a loss of income of at least 15-20% due to a sickness or injury. The benefit paid is equal to % of benefit equal to the % of income loss.
3. Survivorship/Waiver Rider - LTC
This says that if a couple have both of their policies in force for at least 10 years - if one of them should go on claim and/or pass away - the Surviving person has their coverage paid up - and/or gets to use their spouses left benefit.
4. Work around other insurance.......Our company will issue a policy that works around in force coverage.
If  you have STD that ends in 180 days – our company will issue a small amount to go on top of the STD from the elimination period. Then, when the STD ends, the our companies benefit will increase. Other companies will start with the smaller amount and stay at that amount.

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