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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Prevent Employee Problems from Impacting the Workplace

What happens when a valued employee is going through a major life change? Perhaps he or she is in the middle of a divorce, on the verge of bankruptcy, or distracted by a troubled teenager. Or maybe you have a worker who is dealing with a death in the family or battling depression. Sure, these situations are difficult and emotional, but are these personal problems a concern for an employer?

In most cases, the answer is yes. Personal stressors often result in major distractions at work. A lack of focus, lost productivity, attitude problems, coworker conflicts, increased sick days, and safety issues can arise when an employee is struggling with a traumatic situation at home. An employee’s personal life can significantly affect job performance — and potentially the company’s bottom line.

Getting help outside the workplace
At one time or another, most employees will have a personal issue arise that is unplanned and unintentional. Although employers may feel inclined to approach their employees with offers of support, many employees feel this is a violation of their personal boundaries. Often, discussing problems with a manager or HR staff adds additional stress, and it can disrupt professional relationships.
To address personal struggles, employees should receive assistance outside the office. As an employer, it’s a good idea to have a support system in place for helping employees better manage difficult personal situations in a private and safe manner.

The simple solution for employers
HR EAPLink is a comprehensive and affordable Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An EAP gives employees access to resources that help reduce stress at home, allowing them to engage more fully when they are at work. With HR EAPLink, employees receive unlimited access to online resources, unlimited telephone consultations, and three local face-to-face consultations for each member of their households.
HR EAPLink provides anonymous assistance. Employers provide the service to increase productivity, but a third-party provider works directly with employees. Contact with HR EAPLink is never disclosed to the employer, so using the service doesn’t have negative consequences or affect employer/employee relationships.
Work-related issues, marital and family problems, anger and stress management, conflict resolution, parenting challenges, and alcohol and drug problems can all be addressed anonymously through HR EAPLink.
In addition, WorkLife services offered by HRAnswerLink include parent education, adoption assistance, daycare referrals, college planning, senior housing referrals, legal counseling, and financial advising. Often, HR EAPLink also provides community resource referrals.
It’s easy and affordable
Many of our affiliates offer HR EAPLink as a no-cost, value-added service to increase sales in other areas of their HR business. However, others offer the service for between $2.50 and $3.00 per employee, per month. Client companies can then offer HR EAPLink as a free or very low-cost employee benefit.
Costs associated with employee retention, missed work days, lost productivity, increased sick days, and office conflict are tremendous. For just pennies per day, HR EAPLink is a no-brainer investment in keeping employees healthy and happy — at home and at work.

Ask about our complimentary value HR Platform: see demo here

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