Sales of life combination products continue to grow at a remarkable rate as new carriers enter the market and existing players refine products to remain competitive, said Catherine Ho, LIMRA product actuary. “This segment of the market weathered the storm pretty well during the recession when individual life sales declined significantly. Now that sales growth has returned for individual life, we anticipate life combination products to continue their steady growth,” she said.
All life combination product lines experienced growth in 2012, with whole life (WL) and universal life (UL) combination premium each growing 10% and variable combination premium growing 3%. Whole life combination policy count rose 23%; UL policy count rose 19%; and variable policy count rose 4%.All but one distribution channel experienced double-digit growth in 2012 (independent RIA). Banks and savings institutions posted the largest premium growth, rising 21%; affiliated agents recorded 30% growth in policy count.
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