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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sebelius Says Medicare Advantage Plans Will Not Suffer Because Of Healthcare Law.


The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (10/5, Malloy, Twedt) reports, "Medicare Advantage plans, exceedingly popular in Western Pennsylvania, will not wane under the new healthcare law, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius insisted Monday." During a "meeting with a handful of DC reporters...Ms. Sebelius said the decision by a large Massachusetts insurer to leave the Medicare Advantage market is not a harbinger of the program's decline." She stated, "My guess is companies will continue to cite this law from now on -- it's an easy mark. ... But frankly, any company that pulled out of the Medicare Advantage plan this year, my guess is that they had business plans to do that whether or not the president signed this law in March of 2010."

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