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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Obama Would Allow States To Opt Out Of Healthcare Law In 2014

Media reports and analyses are treating the President's announcement that he was endorsing an accelerated schedule to allow states to opt out of his healthcare reform law as a significant concession to his Republican opponents, as well as an attempt to reach out to the nation's governors grappling with budget deficits. Ultimately, however, some of the law's supporters argue that the President's announcement will enhance the Administration's legal case as it strives to defend the law in court.
        The story generated print coverage and some cable and local TV reports, but was not mentioned on the network newscasts. USA Today (3/1, Wolf, Jackson) reports that in his remarks, Obama endorsed legislation originally proposed by Sens. Ron Wyden and Scott Brown which "would give states" the freedom to opt out of the legislation, though not "entirely," by 2014. Still, "key requirements would remain, such as those prohibiting insurers from canceling coverage because of pre-existing conditions."

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