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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Special Announcement 2012 Key Employment Law Alerts

Your business must satisfy many workplace obligations especially when it comes to Federal and State law regulations and requirements. It is anticipated that 2012 will continue the increasing trend of new laws that can impact your business.

Today, we offer you a friendly reminder about a great resource - your HR Support Center - designed to help you stay on top of the latest employment law updates. For the most current information regarding the state(s) where you do business, visit your HR Support Center, check out the “Laws” section, and click on the Alerts area. Make sure to visit often as the HR Pros regularly post new alerts.

An additional option to help you get timely employment law updates is to sign up for eAlerts! Within the HR Support Center, simply visit the “My Account” section in order to update your eAlert preferences. Once this is complete, look forward to important announcements emailed directly to your inbox.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thank you. info@amsinsure.com

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