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Friday, June 01, 2012

About Social Security / Get The Biggest Check

Patience Pays Off.
waiting, that larger first check becomes the basis for future cost-of-living adjustments. 

reaches his retirement age, he can ‘file and suspend’, meaning she can collect her share while he waits to collect until later.

The longer you wait, the bigger the check. You can start collecting at age 62. ByMarriage Has Its Perks. Say she’s ready to start collecting benefits but he is not ready to retire. The solution: Once he
Collect If You Decouple.

Bide Your Time. If you wait until age 70 you can collect even more, thanks to the delayed-retirement credit. With life expectancies at an all-time high, chances are good you’ll be around to enjoy the higher benefits.
Ask For A Do-Over.
Have a Financial Advisor review the best options for you.
If you started collecting Social Security and wish you had waited in order to get a higher benefit, you can press the ‘reset button’. You’ll need to pay back what you’ve received and request a tax refund.
You may be able to collect on your former spouse’s benefits, as long as you were married for at least ten years and are 62 or older.

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