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Monday, July 15, 2013

Health Insurance Exchanges and how people buy Healt Insurance

Excerpt from a survey where people accessed the Health Insurance Exchanges and how they would purchase health insurance from the Washington Post 7/14/13.

Still, the focus on price, including the effect of subsidies, is a constant. Consulting firm Booz & Co.'s pretend exchanges showed that premiums were the most important factor in plan selection, followed by cost-sharing features like deductibles. McKinsey & Co., which tested about 150,000 consumers, found most would opt for smaller arrays of doctors and hospitals to achieve discounts.

If you are wondering, then I will tell you that this is no different than how people have shopped for health insurance prior to Health Reform. All the fuss and muss over explaining options to most people has nothing to do with how the will shop and buy health insurance on the exchanges.

If this happens then it is my best guess that things won't go well and all insures who have higher prices will eventually cut their prices trying to compete or exit the exchange.

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