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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Jobs in the South Bay doing better!

While dismal unemployment numbers continue to challenge the nation, there is good news to report from the South Bay. Thanks to the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) and their partnerships with government, non-profits, and the local business community, a remarkable number of people are getting put back to work.

Of the thousands of job seekers that visit the SBWIB every year, 80% get placed in new jobs. It is exciting to see so many lives being saved.

This week, I visited the SBWIB’s Beach Cities One-Stop in Redondo Beach to observe this success story in action. Several hopeful clients filled the computer stations in the recruitment station where help was at hand to revise resumes, find training programs, and make connections with potential employers. By 11 o’clock on the morning of my visit, Cortez Washington in the Jobs Development Department had already found one job seeker a permanent position with an air conditioning repair company in San Pedro.

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